What are the rewards that believers will receive at the Judgment Seat of Christ?
Believers --all of the Church Age who appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ-- will receive the following rewards, depending upon how they have lived their lives while on earth. Some will lose rewards if they have lived in disobedience; others will gain rewards if they have lived in obedience.
This judgment will not be a judgment for sin. Everyone who appears at this Judgment Seat will be saved. Jesus took all sin upon himself on the cross, past, present and future. The Bible mentions at least five rewards:
- The Incorruptible Crown - given to those who master the old nature (1 Cor. 9:25-27).
- The Crown of Rejoicing - given to soul winners (Prov. 11:30, Dan. 12:3, 1 Thess. 2:19-20).
- The Crown of Life - given to those who successfully endure temptation (Jas. 1:2-3, Rev. 2:10).
- The Crown of Righteousness - for those who especially love the doctrine of the rapture (2 Tim. 4:8).
- The Crown of Glory - given to faithful preachers and teachers (Acts 20:26-28, 1 Pet. 5:2-4).