I am writing this in September of 2000, before I "disappear" from Earth.
By the time you find this website, maybe you've heard several theories
about the people who have vanished. These theories might include alien
intervention, cosmic disturbances, black holes, cataclysmic upheaval,
physical detainment somewhere, etc. Whatever. But whatever you've
heard is NOT TRUE. THE TRUTH is, we have been removed by Jesus Christ,
to be with Him in safety. The Bible speaks SPECIFICALLY about this:
"For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the
voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in
Christ shall rise first. Then we which are alive and remain shall be
caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air,
and so shall we ever be with the Lord." I Thessalonians 4:16-17
Christians who have preceded us in death are also with us, and we are
all very much alive and well in the protective presence of Jesus. But
YOU are still on Earth. What is your future? The Bible tells us that
following the "disappearance" or the Rapture (as we call it) there will
be a time of great peace. Maybe you're just curious about our
disappearance, but not in any immediate danger. Well, not yet. The
peace is temporary.
In a short time (within a few months or up to three years) there will be
devastation and horror such as the world has never known. It may start
slowly with increasing ecological disasters, diseases, violence, changes
on the earth and in the skies. And finally: The Mother of All Wars.
If you're reading this during the preliminary peaceful era, maybe you've
heard that those who "disappeared" had hindered the peace and were
is promoting this lie, and he will destroy you in the end. He will also
point out that many Christian churches are still full of people (whom I
suspect will be aligning themselves together saying that those who
"disappeared" were the troublemakers, hindering the peace). You WILL
NOT be told of the churches which are nearly empty. Christian faith is
a matter of the heart, always has been.
The Deceiver is the Antichrist, and some call him the Beast. Hitler was
a type of antichrist, although a poor imitation of the final
Antichrist. Think about it -- Hitler brought Germany out of chaos and
depression into a time of GREAT PEACE AND PROSPERITY -- but then WAR AND
GENOCIDE followed swiftly! You are facing the same outcome, but
multiplied a million times over. And just as Hitler forced all people
to be "identified" so will the Antichrist, with some kind of mark or
device in the hand or the forehead. No one will be able go anywhere or
do anything without this Mark. But you MUST NOT TAKE THE MARK UPON
YOURSELF -- for you then align yourself directly with the Antichrist.
You have only one hope, and that is Jesus himself. He loves you like no
one ever has or ever will. He knows EVERYTHING about you and loves you
anyway. He gave His very life for you, no matter who you are or what
you've done. Talk to Jesus in prayer. ASK HIM IF ALL THESE THINGS ARE
TRUE! Ask Him if He really is your Savior -- did He really die for you
and are you completely forgiven of everything if you believe in Him?
Even if you have trouble believing in Jesus, just tell Him that! Ask
Jesus to help you to BELIEVE. He knows your heart, your cares, your
worries, your troubles, and He loves you. He knows your future, what
will soon be coming upon you, and HE ALONE WILL BE THERE, RIGHT WITH
YOU!! You can trust Jesus, "for he hath said, I will never leave thee,
nor forsake thee." Hebrews 13:6
Please -- just talk to Him. Jesus is the ONLY WAY, the ONLY TRUTH, the
ONLY LIFE. God bless you, my friend. I hope to meet you in Paradise.
Julie G