Atheism─The Cult of Death
As long as people have believed in God, there have been
those who take the opposing view. The ranks of atheists have
always been small, never amounting to more than four percent
of the population. The key problem with atheism is that it
lacks a strong “selling point.” The followers of this view
find purpose in life by attacking the validity of the Holy
Atheists are so opposed to anything linked to God that their
hatred gets in the way of common sense. One of their most
grievous errors is a cultic fixation with death.
I have read the views of several
leading atheists and have found an almost universal
embracing of death. For them, life is just meant to come to
an abrupt end.
They reject any option that provides a potential solution to
the dying process. Atheists are all for someone wanting to
live longer, but if they desire to live forever─it suddenly
becomes a vice. They pride themselves on being free of
religious dogma yet they cling to one creed─“In death there
is no hope.”
Albert Einstein was
a brilliant man, but his insight was restricted to the
material world:
“The concept of a
soul without a body seems to me to be empty and devoid of
meaning. Neither can I nor would I want to conceive of an
individual that survives his physical death.”
Mark Twain is
widely quoted by atheists for his nothing gained and nothing
lost view of death:
“I do not fear
death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years
before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest
inconvenience from it.”
Biologist, Richard
Dawkins, says we have no need to complain about dying
because most people will never have a chance to be born. We
better complain now, because once we die, we’re no better
off than those folks never born.
I see this
welcoming attitude toward death as a form of insanity. If we
managed to defy such massive odds to be born into this
world, it would be foolhardy to
so willingly surrender such a precious gift. I don’t regret
depriving some worm of a good meal. They don’t even have
enough intelligence to say, “Boy, Todd tastes good. Yum!”
Atheists’ cheeriness about the end of life extends to the
second death. Even though they don’t believe in a hell, most
express a bizarre willingness to take a swan dive into the
lake of fire. Pat Condell is a well-known atheist on
YouTube. In one of his latest videos he said:
can I say to the people who have said they are praying for
me, don’t do it. I’m beyond redemption. I categorically
reject God. I wholeheartedly deny the Holy Spirit. I’m
resigned to damnation. And I’m absolutely fine with it.”
there is no God to grant us an afterlife, atheists should be
the main frontline cheerleaders of an effort to find
immortality through research. One of them should be the
Jerry Lewis of natural causes: “Yes, please donate so we can
find a cure for what is responsible for one-hundred percent
of non-accidental deaths.”
don’t know of any leading atheists that plan to be
cryogenically frozen. According to the game plan medical
science will eventually advance to the point where it can
revive and restore a dead person to perfect health. These
atheists could spend their first few days of new life
dancing on the graves of foolish Christians who trusted in a
pipe dream.
I’ve looked at
several atheists’ sites about the subject of cryogenic
and they almost universally focus of on the technological
obstacles. One saying the $170,000 base rate fee should be
used to make this life better. But what should it matter to
a billionaire atheist like Bill Gates who could easily spent
the money and continue his charity work? If cryogenics
failed, it’s not like he’d know the difference.
I’m writing on an
article that deals with the odds of our existence. In the
article, I listed two possibilities: God’s involvement and
one driven by random chance. I spoke with two leading
atheists about a section I had planned to title: “Atheist
Reincarnation.” I had to change it to: “Random
Reincarnation,” because the atheist told me they reject the
possibility of life ever reforming. I was stunned by this
view because evolution is based on them winning the long
odds of random chance. It makes no sense they would argue
that: “It can’t happen again.”
I spoke with
theoretical physicist, Lawrence Krauss, at a Las Vegas
conference, and he said, “Atheists don’t like to use the
word eternity.” Even though the forces in the universe may
remain constant for all eternity, they avoid the term
because God is too closely associated with it.
Atheists go as far
as calling eternal life a curse. They argue that life with
no end would eventually become boring and unbearable. One
atheist said that if he, was allowed into heaven after a few
thousand years, the empty perfection of the heavenly realm
would compel him to ask God for annihilation.
I don’t see the
warm embrace that many atheists associate with death. At the
end of their lives they would lose everything they achieved
in this world. Their loves, discoveries and experiences
would all be instantly voided.
I can
only conclude that the obsession with death on the part of
atheists is the result of demonic delusion. Even a godless
skeptical mind should know that one of the basic driving
forces in nature is the desire to preserve life─at all
thing that helped me remain confident in my faith is the
understanding that there are forces dedicated to attacking
my beliefs. If God was a lie and there was no life after
death, why would people have such a volatile allergic
reaction to a message that seems so reasonable? When I see
people who blindly embrace death, I see the fingerprints of
the one who brought death into this world.
“You are of your
father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s
desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has
nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in
him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for
he is a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44).
is hope for people who wish to gain eternal life. The
greatest promise made in the Bible is when God said, “I will
give you eternal life.” Jesus paid the price of allowing our
bodies to become immune to death. In order to receive that
gift of immortality, all we need to do is ask for it.
“Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the
life: he that believeth in Me, though he were dead,
yet shall he live” (John 11:25, emphasis added).
this is the record, that God hath given to us
eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He
that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the
Son of God hath not life” (1 John 5:11-12, emphasis