
By Terry James

End-of-days indicators assault the
sensitivity meter of every Christian attuned to the Holy
Spirit’s siren of alarm. The signals are not hidden on the back
pages of newspapers or relegated as
fillers to the last 60 seconds of newscasts. The headlines glare; the
stories are above the fold of the front pages.
The end of something is upon us. The
beginning of something the politicians like to call “change” is on the
way. Even those of the non-religious, non-Christian
world sense a coming tidal shift of some kind.
Mayan 2012 Prophecy
While secular media entertainment and news
will rarely give attention to Bible prophecy, particularly from a
pretribulation rapture viewpoint, they wholeheartedly
promote and publicize predictions such as
those supposedly given by Nostradamus, Edgar Casey, and others of
mystical ilk. The Mayan Calendar’s “prophecy”
for the year 2012 is the non-biblical
foretelling most in view today.
With that date just around the corner, we
can expect an increasing drumbeat of media promotion for what that
long-extinct group of shamans predicted for
days just ahead.
Like I have stated in previous writings on
the subject of the Mayan predictions, I have a quite limited
understanding. This lack of in-depth knowledge is
deliberate refusal to study the
“prophecy.” I prefer to concentrate upon Bible prophecy, as this is my
commission, I believe. And, Bible prophecy is truth,
not mystical hyperbole.
That said, here is a sketchy look at the
Mayan 2012 “prophecy,” from a blog site for which the subject holds
considerable fascination.
“December 21, 2012 marks the end of the
Long Count and Precession Cycle. A fascinating astronomical occurrence
will take place that day. The sun will be
seen in a conjunction with the crossing
point of the galactic equator and the ecliptic which is referred by the
Mayans as the Sacred Tree. Since this is
due to take place on the winter solstice,
this should provide clear evidence that the proper end day of the Mayan
calendar is December 21, 2012. Some say
December 22nd, 23rd or even other dates.
However, the solstice was an important day to the Mayans and it is
logical to think that they would conclude their
calendar cycle on this day, coupled with
the fact of the rare astronomical occurrence set to take place that
Now, I’m sure that clears up everything
for you!
It is a dumbfounding matter to consider.
Many who name the name of Christ think of Bible prophecy as
unintelligible, frightening, and otherwise something to shun. These, at
the same time, readily fall for the false prophets and prophesies,
apparently primarily because news and entertainment media extol the
foretelling abilities of the ancient and modern, non-Biblical
soothsayers. This inability to discern between Truth and false prophecy
is due, in my view, thanks to the seminaries and pastors of their
churches, who see Bible prophecy as either already fulfilled, or as to
be spiritualized, allegorized, or otherwise something meant as a good
story-line of some literary sort.
All the while the signals that we are at
the end of the dispensation of the age of grace (church age,) continue
to pile up in every direction we look.
End-Times Signs
As stated at the top of this article, the
news headlines alert spiritually attuned senses to where this generation
stands on God’s prophetic timeline.
The signs under this category are
ubiquitous and prolific. Israel stands at the center of the
world stage, with all nations in the process of gathering
against the modern Jewish state.
Zechariah 12:1-3 flares from the pages of
newspapers and hourly TV and Internet news updates. All focus is on that
tiny nation-state.
Iran’s leaders threaten
to erase Israel from the Middle East
and from off the planet. Syria’s
dictator, Bashar Al-Assad, feigns desiring making a treaty with its
much-hated neighbor,
all the while romancing and being romanced
Russia’s Vladimir Putin, who wants a
better foothold in the region.
The Arab conglomerate, led by fanatic
Islamic terrorist organizations, wage never-ending jihad.
The West looks at Israel with consternation aimed at
Israel, while silently
approving America’s acting unilaterally to
pressure that nation to accept a
“Roadmap to Peace” plan at the expense of
Jerusalem and
the tiny amount of land they possess.
The European Union (EU) continues to use
its time to develop a system of control over territories that formerly
comprised the Roman Empire–all within line
with prophecies given by Daniel, in
chapter 9 and elsewhere.
courts Iran –ancient
Persia—in ways that look to
be setting up the coalition prophesied by Ezekiel to invade over the
mountains of Israel.
China is becoming a world power that
almost certainly is preparing it to be the king of the “kings of the
East” foretold to invade the Middle East
over the dried-up
in Revelation chapters 9 and 16.
The Apostle Paul’s forewarnings of
“perilous times,” found in 2 Timothy, chapter 3, are coming alive in our
daily lives today.
Politicians and people within every other
category of societal interaction are increasingly self-centered. They
are boasters, proud, blasphemers. They exhibit, through abortion, homosexuality, and
general anger with their fellow humankind, that they are without natural
More and more of the human race is fierce,
incontinent (out of control with addictions), and in general lovers of
themselves more than lovers of God or
their fellow man.
Within nominal Christianity and ecumenical
circles of world religion, the siren song of deluding spirits and
doctrines of devils lure people to the reefs
of false belief systems, where their souls
are dashed to pieces. The social gospel they espouse is filled with
feel-good and do-good religiosity. The man-centered
system, rather than bring the proponents
of and adherents to the humanistic, save-the-planet ideology to account
to the Creator, injects the luciferian
delusion that they are doing good, thus
will attain heaven--wherever and whatever that is-when moving to the
next life.
Tragically, many Christians in the
ultra-comfortable theater seats are bedazzled by the humanistic
ministers who appear highly successful, in terms of numbers
in the pews, dollars gathered, and
national and world spotlights trained on them. The Bible, however, terms
them “ravening wolves,” because they feed on
the flocks that seek the riches the false
teachers claim God provides, based upon a formula of "give to get."
Some among the “Christian” churches seek
to make alliances with those who collectively turn Christ’s words of
John 14: 6 upside down. They agree with the
likes of Oprah that there are many ways to
God, like spokes on a wheel lead to the axle. In that sense, the
apostasia (falling away) of 2 Thessalonians,
chapter 2, is well underway--a major
signal of where this generation stands on God’s prophetic timeline.
Closet Christians
And, this brings us to the crux of the
article’s title. This is an era of “closet” Christianity. It is a time
when, it seems, there is too high a price
to be paid for standing for Christ in the
public place.
The attitude is so pervasive that the
legislators of the American political processes have allowed
liberal-minded judges to legislate God out of classrooms
and practically every other public place.
It is more comfortable to simply say to
one’s self –to anyone who would question the silence—“I believe a
person’s religious beliefs should be held in private.
We shouldn’t impose our beliefs on
But those who oppose God DO seek to impose
their beliefs on the rest of us. Proof is in the fact that it is deemed
perfectly okay for judges to overrule
the majority opinions of the voters and,
by judicial fiat, install the godless activity of, for major example,
murdering nearly 50 million children in
their mothers’ wombs since the Supreme
Court decision of Roe vs. Wade in 1973.
The overwhelmingly liberal news media in
America, along with the entertainment
industry, promotes and lauds the freedom to use abortion as
birth control, without very much
opposition by a majority of the “Christian” churches. It is simply
easier to take the path of least resistance –to not
rock the societal boat, to not appear to
be out of step with the contemporary, "if-it-feels-good-do-it" culture.
Those in this category who call themselves
“Christians” stay in their closets of expediency and anonymity. They are
caught up in the pleasures this life
has to offer, and don’t intend to have
those things threatened by a world hostile to the gospel message and
true Bible doctrine. Their privacy is their
comfort zone, and their “Christianity”
stays locked behind the closet doors of their right to keep their
thoughts on religion to themselves.
Jesus said this about that view of
Christianity: “And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts
be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness,
and cares of this life, and so that day
come upon you unawares. For as a snare shall it come on all them that
dwell on the face of the whole earth. Watch
ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may
be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass,
and to stand before the Son of man”
(Luke 21:34-36).
Closet Christianity Commended
There is another type of closet
Christianity, of course, that the Lord commends in the most glowing of
terms. Jesus’ own words gives the heavenly Father’s
view of this type of being a “closet
Christian”: "But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and
when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father
which is in secret; and thy Father which
seeth in secret shall reward thee openly” (Matt. 6:6).
Christians are to use the prayer closet
for communing with the heavenly Father through His Son Jesus, who,
through the Holy Spirit, makes intercession for
God’s children. Great and mighty things
are the result of prayer warriors –those who bring petitions and
supplications before the throne.
But, once the prayers are finished, it is
time to leave the closet. It is time to lift Christ up so the whole
world will see and recognize Him, and will,
through the call of the Holy Spirit, come
to the Savior for redemption and reconciliation with the Father.
Again, Jesus said: “No man, when he hath
lighted a candle, putteth [it] in a secret place, neither under a
bushel, but on a candlestick, that they which
come in may see the light” (Luke 11:33).
Christ is coming to take His church home
to be with the heavenly Father (John 14: 1-3). His shout “Come up here!”
could happen at any moment! Meanwhile,
let us strive to be the right kind of
closet Christians.

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